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Welcome Aboard

The Insurance Institute of Tanzania was registered with the Ministry of Home Affairs in 1996 as a local chapter of The chartered Insurance Institute (CII) of London. To date The Insurance Institute of Tanzania continues to operate as an affiliate of the UK based association of insurance professionals…


1. To provide and maintain facilities for the promotion of efficiency, progress, and general development among persons engaged in insurance
2. To encourage and assist in the study of insurance and to offer rewards or other prizes for research on any work bearing on insurance.
3. To cultivate and promote friendly business relations between members of the Institute and people engaged in the insurance industry generally


In order to achieve this mission, the IIT makes every effort to have a proper balance between the creation of value for members on one hand and proper professionalism enforcement so as to be able to set standards that respond to industry contemporary demands and revolutions.

The IIT constant improvement efforts will by and large hub on value enhancement programs, infrastructure development and


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